GlassWire Pro (Region free) Official key ccb9a536
Дата публикации: 08.01.2023

GlassWire Pro (Region free) Official key

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+ 3 ПК
+ История за 1 год
+ 10 удаленных подключений
+ Запрос соединения
+ Блокировка всех соединений
+ Мини-график
+ Кто использует мою сеть?
+ Новые цветовые и тёмные темы
+ Исключение приложений из общей статистики

+ Активация: In programm
+ Регион активации: Region free
+ Языки: Multilanguage

Are you enjoying using our free GlassWire version? If so we hope you’ll consider upgrading to GlassWire Pro with all the awesome features listed below.

Buy GlassWire Pro to add “Ask to connect” and “Lock down” firewall modes, monitor 10 remote PCs, add the mini graph to your desktop, see all the devices on your WiFi/network, enable Webcam/Mic detection, access new graph skins, and add the ability to hide some apps from the graph. GlassWire Pro also gives you 1 year of graph history. GlassWire Pro licenses work with 3 PCs.

GlassWire’s “Ask to connect” and “Lock down” modes allow you to only accept new application connections if you choose to do so. Click “Allow” to accept the new network connection from an application and “Block” to block it. Are you leaving your PC for a while? If so go to the “Firewall” tab and choose “Block all” mode. Now no new connections can come in or out of your PC while you’re away.

Want to monitor the other PCs in your house, or remote gaming PCs? You need GlassWire’s remote access mode. You can try this feature for free before buying for one PC in our free version by going to GlassWire’s settings. GlassWire Pro can monitor 10 remote PCs simultaneously instead of only 1 with the free version.

Are you tried of having to open the full GlassWire application to see your network data? If so go to the top left GlassWire menu and choose “Show mini viewer” to see a graph summary on your desktop. You can even make this window transparent in GlassWire’s settings, it looks awesome!

Do you ever feel nervous someone is accessing your network or WiFi without your permission and using all your bandwidth? Having a slow network can cause your games to lag and glitch out. Install GlassWire then click the “Network” tab to see a list of devices on your network. Go to GlassWire’s settings to get alerted when a new unknown device joins your network. Be sure to reboot after installing GlassWire to pick up all new connections.

Are you nervous an app is using your webcam or mic when you don’t realize it? Go to GlassWire’s settings and turn on GlassWire’s webcam/mic monitor feature to see when your webcam and mic are accessed and see what app is doing it.

Товар распространяется методом цифровой дистрибуции и не содержит коробок и дисков. - Assortment

Цена: 25.01 $.

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