Harvester of Dreams : Episode 1 STEAM KEY REGION FREE ccb9a536
Дата публикации: 08.01.2023

Harvester of Dreams : Episode 1 STEAM KEY REGION FREE

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Harvester of Dreams takes you on board a luxurious airship high above the ground. You’ll find yourself caught between two worlds, a dream and reality. On your journey through the game you will find out, which is which.

HoD is a first-person adventure game (aka walking simulator) taking you into a steampunk inspired scenery. To progress in the game, you will have to find the items required to fix or crack open the locked doors, that you are going to face. Each door reveals a new, unique and interesting room to explore.
Once you have left the ship, the world you find yourself in, becomes even more confusing and disturbing. The unpleasant truth is awaiting you at the very end of your path back into reality. There will be action sequences towards the end.
What to expect:
A playing time of about 2 hours.
Steampunk-inspired graphics.
Many unique and intriguing rooms and areas to explore.
Some challenging puzzles.
English and German (and Irish) voice acting.
Retro 3D graphics mode.
Full gamepad support inside the game (except for the launcher).

Started out as a personal project a decade ago, HoD 1 is finally about to be finished! All assets have been originally created for this game.
Targeting not only PCs but mobile platforms alike, highly optimized graphics and shaders allowed me to bring the same visual experience to players on most devices.


1. Необходимо скачать и установить Steam http://steampowered.com/download/SteamInstall.msi
2. Зайти под своей учетной записью или зарегистрировать новую.
3. Перейти в раздел "добавить игру" и выбрать "Активировать через Steam...", ввести ключ полученный после оплаты.

Цена: 0.34 $.

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